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Wellness Resources

Students’ Union Resources:

Food Bank 

  • Food Bank is a multi-campus committee that provides a complimentary parcel service for all Undergraduate students that can be requested, supporting the dietary and nutritional needs of Laurier students.  

  • Request a Parcel 

  • The Waterloo campus also offers a Hot Meal program in collaboration with Laurier Food Services and the One Card Office. 

  • Request an Emergency Hot Meal (Waterloo)


Foot Patrol  

  • Foot Patrol is Laurier's multi-campus safe walk-home service. With the slogan "No walk is too long, or too short" Foot Patrol is available on-campus and virtually to ensure that students arrive at their destination safely. 

  • Waterloo: 519-886-FOOT (3668) 

  • Brantford: 519-751-7875 

Emergency Response Team (ERT) 

  • The Emergency Response Team is a Waterloo campus committee that provides on-call advanced first aid and can be booked for on-site event support by filling out the online booking form.  

  • For Medical Emergencies: (519) 885-3333 ext. 3333 

Student Rights Advisory Committee (SRAC) 

  • While in no way legal representation, The Student Rights Advisory Committee is a multi-campus committee that helps provide students with confidential support, information, and education about their rights. This includes Landlord-Tenant Support and Academic Appeals. 


The Students’ Union is also proud to offer Empower Me - Mental Health Resources provided by Dialogue

Undergraduate and graduate students at Wilfrid Laurier University, you have access to additional support through Empower Me, a mental health and wellness service that seeks to contribute to a resilient student community by supporting existing on-campus and community mental health resources.

Empower Me has a number of professionals with various domains of expertise, including psychology, psychotherapy, social work, nutrition, etc., to support you and respond effectively to diverse needs. You can access services via telephone, videoconference, or in-person (when permitted in accordance with public health guidelines and COVID-19 advisories)

Empower Me is:

  • Available 24/7, 365 days a year

  • Confidential

  • Multilingual

  • Culturally sensitive

  • Gender-inclusive

  • Faith inclusive

The Empower Me (SAP) program is accessible via the Dialogue App and provides access to secure video for counseling appointments. 

  • ​Our team prepared the attached Fact Sheet summarizing the features of the program

  1. How to access Empower Me: Students can access the program by creating a Dialogue account (accessible directly through the Dialogue web platform [they can click create account]. They can also download the Dialogue Mobile App on their phone.

·         eligible undergrad students can find a summary and create an account on the web at ; again, students can also  download the Dialogue App in either App Store.

  • Students should register with their full legal name and email and once their account is setup, they have the option to add a preferred name and gender identity.

2.      The program provides quick, easy access to mental health professionals with 24/7 intake and appointments available usually within 24-48 hours.

Empower Me FAQ

Laurier Resources: 

Dean Of Students Office 

  • The Dean of Students Office actively works to understand students and help foster conditions that best support academic achievement, personal growth, student well-being, meaningful support, and positive engagement.  

  • Connect with The Dean of Students Office


Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG) 

  • LSPIRG is a registered non-profit organization that helps to develop advocacy tools and avenues for action for both the Waterloo and Brantford campus. LSPIRG offers volunteer opportunities, programming and events, funding opportunities, space for meetings/hangouts, free tech equipment rental, Free Weekly Distro program, tools for community building, and more! 

  • Facebook 

  • Instagram 

Laurier Wellness
Waterloo Campus:

  • M/T/W: 9 am to 7:30 pm | Th/F: 9 am to 4:15 pm

  • 519-884-0710 x 3146

  • 2nd Floor (between Concourse and Dining Hall)

  • Website


Brantford Campus:

Community Resources: 

The Food Bank of Waterloo Region 

  • The Waterloo Food Bank, through community partnerships, obtains and distributes emergency food. In the last years, they helped over 34,000 people access food assistance in the Waterloo Region. 

  • Website 

  • 519-743-5576 

The KW Community Fridge 

  • The Community Fridge KW is a free fridge that provides fresh food for and by the community. It operates 24/7 and 365 days of the year on a take what you need and leave what you can basis.  

  • Instagram 

  • Facebook 

Waterloo Office

2nd Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
75 University Ave. W, Waterloo, N2L 3C5

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.4389
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Wilf's Restaurant: (Reservations to be made through email)

Brantford Office

1st Floor, Student Centre
103 Darling Street, Brantford, N3T 2K8

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.3676
Office Hours:  
Monday - Friday  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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