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Call for Referendum Questions

As part of our upcoming #LaurierVotes election season, the Students’ Union will consider the sponsorship of referendum questions.


Prior to being included on the ballot, proposed referendum question will be assessed for compliance by the Wilfrid Laurier University Committee on Non-Tuition Fee Assessment, and the Students’ Union Board of Directors.


Referendum questions must include:


  • The purpose and rational for the question.

  • The cost of any associated fee.

  • Any inflationary costs and how they will impact the fee.

  • A date of implementation.

  • Eligible voting members (Which students will be charged the fee?).

  • If the fee is intended to be compulsory, the justification for mandatory participation.

  • The impact of this question on any previous referendum question.


Referendum questions will be evaluated by the Students’ Union on the following principles:


  • Questions must not violate any Canadian laws, policies of Wilfrid Laurier University, signed agreements, or the Letters Patent and by-laws of the Students’ Union).

  • Questions must be crafted with necessary clarity.

  • Any proposed fees must adhere to the Protocol Agreement on Non-Tuition Fees between WLU, the Students’ Union, and the Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Students’ Association (GSA).

  • Fees or programs established by referendum should not duplicate existing levies or services.

  • There must be a reasonable process available to administer any proposed fee.

  • Any fee proposed will be considered in relation to the total existing ancillary fee burden.

We highly recommend you meet with the Students’ Union in advance of submitting your referendum question. A helpful example of how to structure your question is provided below.


Please submit your questions to Chief Governance Officer Mohammad Abu-Rshaid at and by November 29, 2023 at NOON.


Upon notification of your question being accepted, you will need to complete the Referendum Chair Nomination Package.

Sample Question


Do you support the establishment of a provincial advocacy fee of $3.15 per student, per year, adjusted annually by the cost of inflation (Consumer Price Index)? This fee will allow the Students' Union to continue its influential provincial advocacy efforts, including initiatives supported by the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance.


Implementation date: 1 May 2017

Eligible voting members: All undergraduate students

Campus: Waterloo and Branford



Waterloo Office

2nd Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
75 University Ave. W, Waterloo, N2L 3C5

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.4389
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Wilf's Restaurant: (Reservations to be made through email)

Brantford Office

1st Floor, Student Centre
103 Darling Street, Brantford, N3T 2K8

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.3676
Office Hours:  
Monday - Friday  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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