New Club Registration

New Club Registration for Winter 2025 is CLOSED
New Club Registration Guidelines
Clubs must:​
Be open to all Wilfrid Laurier University undergraduate students
The Students' Union cannot support clubs that focus on physical activity (sports or recreation opportunities)​, please connect with Laurier Athletics if you're looking to start/join these type of clubs
New Club Registration Resources
The Nest showcases all active clubs. Check out our current clubs listing to ensure we do not already have a club that offers the same value proposition/purpose as your current idea.
Clubs & Associations Procedures Manual
A detailed outline of all policies and procedures that must be followed.
A constitution is required for all clubs, and must outline all the key aspects of your club and its operations. This is a key document that your club will reference throughout the year, so please make sure you are putting thought into your procedures and outlining them here.
Third-Party Agreement (If Applicable)
This form must be completed if you are planning on being affiliated with an external organization. 3rd Party Affiliation organizations will not be recognized by the Students’ Union if there is no form filled out by their respective club or association.
Clubs & Associations Advisor Agreement (If Applicable)
This form must be completed if you plan on having an advisor who assists your club. Club advisors will not be recognized by the Students’ Union if there is no form filled out by their respective club.
Have a question about New Club Registration? Email the Vice President: Clubs & Associations with the
subject line: “[Club Name] – New Club Registration Inquiry”.