Government & Stakeholder Relations

Overview of the Department
The Government and Stakeholder Relations department advocates for the rights of undergraduate students. The Students’ Union works with the Cities of Waterloo and Brantford as well as the provincial and federal government to ensure that the student’s needs are being met, and to improve quality and access to post-secondary education.
How Can Students Get Involved in the GSR Department?
SRAC: The Student Rights Advisory Committee exists to provide you with information about your rights when it comes to landlord-tenant issues. While in no way legal representation, it can help to inform you about your options in order to make difficult situations easier to navigate
Campus Advocacy: The Campus Advocacy committee is tasked with creating relationships with students, developing a fluent two-way dialogue, and acting as representatives for the Government & Stakeholder Relations department at the student level. We run educational campaigns to inform students about issues they may encounter in their time as a university student. The Campus Advocacy committee devises creative strategies and strives to push the boundaries in reaching out to all Laurier students to create awareness of the research that has been completed and any advocacy outcomes that have been obtained.

Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA)
What is OUSA?
The Government & Stakeholder Relations department conducts its provincial advocacy alongside the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). OUSA is comprised of nine different member schools, each of which is a leader in post-secondary education in Ontario. Through OUSA, the Students’ Union develops evidence-based policy and works with key provincial politicians to implement it.
How does OUSA impact students?
OUSA impacts each student through the policy it advocates for. OUSA seeks to support students through lobbying for policy that can systemically support students, an example is OSAP!
How can students get involved with OUSA?
Twice a year OUSA holds a General Assembly (GA) where students can participate in reviewing and choosing policy points that we will advocate on for the year. Reach out to the VP:GSR at suvpgsr@wlu.ca in order to find out more information about getting involved in OUSA’s GA.
Find OUSA on Instagram @ousahome