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Volunteer Operations

Overview of the Department

The Volunteer Operations Department is the internal support for the departments and business operations of the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union. It is focused on ensuring all levels of the Students’ Union are operating on a consistent and transparent basis, and that best practices are being followed for financial and human resource accountability.


Our responsibilities include training and managing volunteers (including onboarding, conduct, and appraising processes), volunteer appreciation initiatives, departmental and SU committee finances.

Get Involved With the Students' Union

Click the volunteering button above to learn more about the various volunteer positions within the Students' Union. If you already know what position you would like to apply to you can head straight to our hiring form here.


Waterloo Office

2nd Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
75 University Ave. W, Waterloo, N2L 3C5

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.4389
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Wilf's Restaurant: (Reservations to be made through email)

Brantford Office

1st Floor, Student Centre
103 Darling Street, Brantford, N3T 2K8

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.3676
Office Hours:  
Monday - Friday  10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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