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The Food Bank aims to help undergraduate students dealing with food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to the inability to acquire or consume a balanced diet that is of adequate quality and quantity. This can oftentimes create challenges sustaining one’s wellbeing: physically, mentally, and academically.


Food Bank Parcel Program
This service offers a completely free parcel service that operates throughout the full calendar year, providing 5 parcels per term that accommodate most dietary restrictions and typically last a week or more. If you require assistance outside of what the Food Parcel Program can offer, please reach out to:  Waterloo -; Brantford - and let us know how we can help!








Emergency Hot Meal Program (Only available September - April)

On the Waterloo campus, there is a collaborative program between the Students' Union and Laurier's Food Services to provide Dining Hall access to students in need of an emergency Hot Meal. Please note that the Food Bank Emergency Hot Meal Program is not meant to be an ongoing support and should be used in one-off dire situations where a meal is needed.


On the Brantford campus, there is a collaborative program with The Belmont to provide food vouchers for students in need of an emergency hot meal. These vouchers can be redeemed for an entree at The Belmont. Please note that the Food Bank Emergency Hot Meal Program is not meant to be an ongoing support and should be used in one-off dire situations where a meal is needed.





Waterloo Office

2nd Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
75 University Ave. W, Waterloo, N2L 3C5

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.4389
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Wilf's Restaurant: (Reservations to be made through email)

Brantford Office

1st Floor, Student Centre
103 Darling Street, Brantford, N3T 2K8

General Inquiries: 1.548.889.5583

Health & Dental Plan/SU Desk: 1.548.889.3676
Office Hours:  
Monday - Friday  10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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